Thought Leader Series: Green Stormwater Solutions for Healthy Waterways

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Join us to hear from Atlan Stormwater’s Sam Kowald and learn about green stormwater infrastructure and WSUD (Water Sensitive Urban Design) frameworks for the management of water quality in modern urban development.
The urban environment has large areas of impervious catchment, and stormwater flowing over these areas conveys urban pollution such as plastics, nitrogen, phosphorus and heavy metals. Stormwater treatment assets help to remove pollution prior to discharge to our drainage network – or can be used as part of stormwater treatment trains to ensure compliant, sustainable project outcomes.
WSUD and green infrastructure are essential to the sustainable management of stormwater runoff, and the removal of pollutants in our urban catchments helps to support healthy waterways and liveable communities.
This session will discuss innovations in stormwater solutions to provide exceptional water quality outcomes, while maximising land yield for developers, and the provision of manageable, scalable and cost-effective to maintain generational assets for councils.
We will examine key case studies, designs and engineering for different approaches to green stormwater management. Design frameworks include modular stormwater technology, and the verification of stormwater device performance through Stormwater Australia’s protocol – SQIDEP (Stormwater Quality Improvement Device Evaluation Protocol).
Key topics include the design of Atlan’s Floating Treatment Wetlands, which support the establishment of wetland vegetation, and thereby allow the creation of a floating wetland environment on top of a permanent waterbody. We will also discuss our SQIDEP-verified tertiary treatment device, AtlanBasin – a self-contained treatment train ideal for stormwater treatment scenarios that require high pollutant reduction in a small footprint.