The How-To Of Propriety Stormwater Filtration - Water Quality, Tertiary Treatment & WSUD

27 Students enrolled
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About the Webinar

Tertiary treatment is a key part of Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD). These innovative devices are an essential element of modern stormwater treatment and ensure that stormwater is filtered for unwanted pollutants – including phosphorous, nitrogen compounds, nutrients and fine sediment.

Presented by Leon Attwood and Robert Chesterfield, this webinar examines the how-to of proprietary stormwater filtration. Tertiary treatment is designed to facilitate water quality outcomes on developments and projects – and supplies end-of-the-line filtration that removes pollutants, and polishes water in preparation for discharge.

Device overviews and various case studies are presented, and an in-depth look at key design parameters of these systems. Versatile modular design principles mean these systems can meet environmental requirements, sizing for on-site footprint, and scalability for pollutant loads and catchment size. Maintenance of these proprietary systems to ensure treatment efficiency and long service life is also investigated. Focusing on proprietary systems, this webinar shows SPEL’s versatile approach to tertiary filtration – including the SPELFilter, Hydrosystem, Hydrochannel, and SPEL Stormsack.

CPD credit hours = 1


Leon Attwood

Leon has been associated with SPEL Stormwater since the culmination of 2013. His mission is to assist SPEL in improving stormwater & wastewater quality and compliance standards throughout Australia and beyond. Leon is currently the QLD Team Leader and has had over eight years of experience in the Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) industry with extensive experience and technical knowledge on the functionalities of proprietary and green stormwater assets. Throughout this time, he has been involved in the design and installation of several Floating Wetland projects throughout Australia & New Zealand.

Robert Chesterfield

Robert has over 15 years working in the construction industry. He has a strong love for the industry with a clear understanding of the environmental impacts urban development has on our waterways and how Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) is successfully implemented. Building long-lasting, positive and profitable relationships, he ensures project stakeholders can meet their commitments to improving environmental outcomes with the use of ‘Generational’ stormwater assets. Providing proprietary stormwater solutions and guidance for those needing to meet water quality and quantity objectives, Robert is passionate about innovation in the production and provision of high-performance stormwater infrastructure. His expertise has seen him work on flagship projects across New South Wales – including the Western Sydney Airport, Rozelle Interchange, Sydney Gateway Project and Moorebank Intermodal Terminal.
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