The How-To Of Propriety Stormwater Filtration - Water Quality, Tertiary Treatment & WSUD

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About the Webinar
Tertiary treatment is a key part of Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD). These innovative devices are an essential element of modern stormwater treatment and ensure that stormwater is filtered for unwanted pollutants – including phosphorous, nitrogen compounds, nutrients and fine sediment.
Presented by Leon Attwood and Robert Chesterfield, this webinar examines the how-to of proprietary stormwater filtration. Tertiary treatment is designed to facilitate water quality outcomes on developments and projects – and supplies end-of-the-line filtration that removes pollutants, and polishes water in preparation for discharge.
Device overviews and various case studies are presented, and an in-depth look at key design parameters of these systems. Versatile modular design principles mean these systems can meet environmental requirements, sizing for on-site footprint, and scalability for pollutant loads and catchment size. Maintenance of these proprietary systems to ensure treatment efficiency and long service life is also investigated. Focusing on proprietary systems, this webinar shows SPEL’s versatile approach to tertiary filtration – including the SPELFilter, Hydrosystem, Hydrochannel, and SPEL Stormsack.
CPD credit hours = 1

Leon Attwood